Fogbeam Labs The FogBlog

Welcome to Fogbeam Labs

by Phillip Rhodes

Posted on Thursday May 28, 2009 at 11:51PM in Technology

@deprecated - circa 2010 - we've moved away from the consulting / custom development business and are working on some product offerings now.

Welcome to Fogbeam Labs! We are an Information Technology consulting, Management consulting, Information Technology training, and custom application development firm located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Fogbeam Labs specializes in helping small and medium sized businesses use computer systems and information technology to help their businesses grow, profit and succeed.

At Fogbeam we hold a passionate belief in the importance of entrepreneurship and small business to a strong economy and a society with opportunity for everyone to achieve their dreams. This passion for assisting entrepreneurs and small-business owners in becoming more successful is what keeps us coming to work.

Thanks to a number of advances in the last decade: the rise of open-source software, the advent of Agile development methodologies and Rapid Application Development tools, the emergence of cloud-computing and Software As A Service (SaaS), the evolution of Commodity Clusters, and the development of Social Media, small businesses can now leverage the same technological advances as the largest multi-national behemoths; and can compete on a playing field which is more level than it has ever been.

At Fogbeam Labs, our mission is to help our clients take advantage of these advances to compete successfully in the global, flat-world economy. We specialize in helping our clients understand the latest technological advances by translating the techno-babble and jargon into understandable, down-to-earth terms. By making technology more accessible and helping entrepreneurs and small-business owners find the point where advanced technology and management merge, we help them become leaner, nimbler, more responsive and agile, more efficient and - ultimately - more successful. This is what we call "Cutting Through The Technology Fog."

To keep up with the latest Fogbeam happenings, please follow this blog, friend us on Facebook and/or follow us on Twitter. Note that Facebook friends and Twitter followers will receive periodic special offers, discounts and other promotions.

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